Terms and conditions
This agreement represents a contract and must be accepted before ordering any service from the www.eltand.com website.
Any order confirmed by the beneficiary, by ticking the box “I have read and agree with the terms and conditions” and by pressing the “Confirm order” button, represents an acceptance by the Beneficiary of the www.eltand.com offer under the conditions stipulated by art. 9 of the Electronic Commerce Law 365/2002.
Selecting the “Confirm order” option represents an electronic signature, in the sense of art. 4 point 3 of the Electronic Signature Law no. 455/2001, having the same value as a holographic signature.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By accessing this site and paying for our services, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions below. These terms and conditions may be modified without prior notice. Therefore, please check this page periodically.The website www.eltand.com, hereinafter referred to as Eltand or the provider, aims to promote the services offered by our company.
By using the website www.eltand.com it is considered that you agree with the Terms and Conditions presented on this page. Eltand assumes that the recipient will perform due diligence before proceeding on this website. Otherwise, it is the right of the user to stop browsing the website www.eltand.com.All visitors who browse the www.eltand.com site use the site on their own account, the terms and conditions are applied to all sites owned by the provider.
1. Prices and payment
1.1 The prices displayed on the eltand.com website are displayed in euros and may vary depending on the specifications imposed by the customer, the provider not being a VAT payer.These prices or price packages can be changed without prior notice. The provider reserves the right to change the availability or structure of the service packages without notifying the users beforehand.
1.2 Once the payment has been made to the provider, this agreement becomes a contract from a legal point of view. According to law 365 of 2002 art.9.
1.3 The prices displayed on www.eltand.com can be changed without prior notification to the users. Prices do not have an offer title
guaranteed and unlimited in time.
1.4 The prices of the packages and services offered are accompanied by technical specifications. If the beneficiary requests other services
with other technical specifications, Eltand may or may not request a different price than the one initially displayed for the respective service/service package.
2. Confidentiality
2.1 The beneficiary and the provider undertake not to present, at any time during this agreement, as well as for a period of 5 years from the completion of the project, or to disclose to any person any confidential information related to business, trade secrets, commercial techniques, financial marketing, promotional information or data of one of the parties, or the terms of this agreement, with the exception of cases when these are required by law or court decision. Neither party will use the confidential information of the other party for any purpose other than to fulfill its obligations under this agreement.
2.2 The beneficiary undertakes not to modify the provider’s material in whole or in part. The materials refer to the multiplication of the website, the creation of a separate website or the granting of licenses to the website to a third party or to diminish the design and operation of the website, without the prior written consent of the provider.
2.3 The information that the user provides, either explicit information or information with a specific character, is subject to confidentiality rules.
2.4 Eltand cannot guarantee that the messages sent to the provider will be received in their original, initial form or that the message will remain confidential during transmission.
2.5 Access and carefully read the Privacy Policy page that applies to visitors to this site.
2.6 In the case of hosting the website on a server other than that of the provider, Eltand will have access to FTP, MSQL or cPanel data with the consent of the beneficiary. The beneficiary has the possibility to change the access data of the FTP, MSQL, cPanel, email or other services to which the provider had access with the permission of the beneficiary, as soon as the collaboration between the beneficiary and the provider has ended.
2.7 The collection and use of data through websites (including online stores) are and are the responsibility of the beneficiary. The beneficiary is the one who operates the data collected through the owned website.
3. Obligations and Guarantees
3.1 Eltand is neither responsible nor liable for the erroneous prices displayed by the beneficiary in the final product. Final product
is handed over to the beneficiary in “maintained” mode inaccessible to the public and visitors, the publication of the final product being carried out by the beneficiary after checking the prices, stocks and the correctness of his own information. The beneficiary is aware of and is directly responsible for all orders and operations performed on the final product delivered by the provider. The project becomes the final product when the provider electronically sends the access data to the websites and/or the original files.
3.2 Eltand has no control or responsibility for the content displayed on the websites of its beneficiaries. Eltand does not verify the text material, images or information contained in the sites of our beneficiaries and is not responsible for the content or performance of these sites or for the transactions of the beneficiary. The sites in the portfolio can be modified, replaced or deleted without notice and will not represent the quality of Eltand services in all cases.
3.3 Eltand will make every effort to ensure that the final product does not contain grammatical and/or spelling errors, before handing over the final product to the beneficiary. The beneficiary is recommended to assume the following responsibilities: checking spelling and grammatical mistakes, functionality errors contained in the final product. The beneficiary agrees that the provider is not responsible or liable for any errors contained in the final product after the final product has been handed over by the provider to the beneficiary and has been published for public viewing by the beneficiary.
3.4 Eltand reserves the right to use the final project, any preliminary form or representative logos/images for marketing or portfolio purposes.
3.5 The services and prices displayed are not guaranteed for any request received by the provider. Eltand reserves the right to refuse requests that contravene the legislation in force or company policy.
3.6 Eltand is not responsible in any case for damages that could result from errors or lack of accuracy of some materials on this site or its beneficiaries.
3.7 The Beneficiary is aware and acknowledges that he is directly responsible for the lack of mandatory information or links, which must be displayed in accordance with the law in force on his own websites.
3.8 Eltand does not allow the use of its services for illegal, threatening, defamatory or dishonest purposes. Materials containing false statements, claims or representations of their own nature or misleading are also not allowed.
3.9 Eltand reserves the right to block access to its own services and resources from certain IP addresses in case of detection of suspicious or potentially harmful activities. Also, depending on the nature and seriousness of the facts, Eltand can temporarily or permanently suspend the services provided.
3.10 Eltand guarantees the return of one percent of the advance according to the contract drawn up between the two parties if the beneficiary changes his mind for any reason, for the following services: creation of an online store type website, presentation, other personalized websites, as well as other software services offered by Eltand. The period in which you can request the return of the money is stipulated in the contract. Web domains, which are purchased directly from the owner, are not subject to refunds.
3.11 If a website is interrupted because of the beneficiary, due to non-payment of the hosting service or for personal reasons, the provider is not obliged and will not keep an archive of the website from the moment of its interruption. The beneficiary is directly responsible for the archiving and preservation of the archive of his website and has taken note that the provider is not responsible for the preservation and archiving of the client’s website.
3.12 In some cases www.eltand.com registers domains on behalf of the client. These will be registered directly in the name of the client/company, using the data transmitted in the order form. The beneficiary assumes the verification of the data and their correctness before sending the order form or the contract.